I’m sure you’ve come across “strategy” “strategic branding” and “strategic web design” enough to notice I’m a lil (okay a lot) into it. Why? Because that’s how we go from aight to modestly flexing. Fully funded SEP IRA, who dis? Ball out and hire a team, increase donations to your most beloved foundations*, create financial stability + generational wealth. And it all starts here for you. With mindset, focus, and goals. I believe in you lady.
I’ll be 100 with you – I was fired from my last 9-to-5. I struggled with the culture, had supreme imposter syndrome about my abilities and worth after being passed over on promotions when I knew I was better than Becky** with her cheery smile but empty head fake smilin’ a##.
I stayed at the same company for six years, and they couldn’t recognize my value. I allowed my self worth to dim and every morning when the alarm went off at 7:30am it was met with a giant sigh and a mini pep talk while I sat on the side of the bed trying to will myself into yet another day.
If you can relate to this I want to say “we made it.” We’re here now – me in a career that has reignited my passion to support others on my own terms and you ready to invest in a business that brings you equal joy and fulfillment. We mf-ing made it out girl.
If this isn’t your story I’m proud of you too. You worked hard and now you’re looking to elevate even more.
I used to feel that if this company I worked for for almost a decade couldn’t see my value, why should anyone else? This all changed after I was let go. My identity was no longer tied to their oppressive “best practices” and policies, and I could now be me 24/7. Without someone who wasn’t my supervisor trying to supervise me #TwoMiddleFingersUp.
Now I do wtf I want, and that includes being here for you.
I stand for WOC service based entrepreneurs. We have been overlooked and taken advantage of; kept out of key meetings and told we’re a list of undesirable traits. I don’t need to cover the list. Truth is: You are a champion for issues that matter. You have forethought and passion for causes that change lives for the better. And I want to help you by creating your own perfect platform that speaks to your mission, Ms. Visionary.
A website is your virtual calling card. I tailor yours to fit your brand and so that it looks like it was made with love, not two cans of redbull + a shot of espresso. I mean it prolly will be but at least it wont look like it was when I’m done. Promise.
I’m not a pixel pusher, I work from the position of expert. I want your website + branding to surprise + delight just as much as you do. That’s the reason I hop out of bed now, because what I do now has such an incredible return and impact for y’all.
When I first started in web design, it was because I needed something that allowed me to fully embrace who and what I am; an artsy, introverted, research happy Black girl nerd Blerd if you will). And after being in the business realm for going on six years and seeing just how much isn’t for us, I decided to focus on our needs, our voice, our mission. Let me help you reach your goals lady.
Tell me more about what you’re looking to achieve in this new phase of your business here. I’ll get back to you in 24 hours (Mon-Thurs) and we’ll set up a time for you to tell me all about the magic you’re mixing up.
* $100 for every fully paid signature service is gifted to Therapy for Black Girls
**name has been changed to cover the gamut of an archetype.